Sunday, June 17, 2007

Thought Crimes and Free Speech Restriction

Two burning issues on the mind today. Most likely two more that won't be read because I'm not sure of the effectiveness of this blogging medium, but anyway.

Hate Crime Laws:

"Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime is death."

-1984, George Orwell

A World Government(UN) one

A Federal one

If a person of one race, kills a person from another, how can anyone be sure that there was any racial hate involved. Same goes for gay and straight. Religion on religion. Whatever.

The truth is; the only way that the government can keep us at least in theory equal under the law is to disregard our inborn or learned differences. I guess I'd be classified as a heterosexual white male, but is the judge going to take out one of those paint color comparison cards to see where myself and any other implicated parties are on the skin color spectrum. Come on, can't we get credit for coming a pretty long way civil rights wise.

If you shoot someone, you shoot someone. Are you any more a threat to society because they were a minority, or because you thought that a gun was the right method to solve a problem?

Next Up...Talk Radio:

A few days ago, Trent Lott, got all fed up with talk radio because they're blocking him from grabbing up 12 million new voters, give or take a few million. Of course, we are again talking about illegal immigration.

Good thing it will merely be the backdrop of the argument, because I am bored on the
Bush-Kennedy-McCain debacle.

Ms. Lott says, "Talk radio is running America. We have to deal with that problem." The most interesting thing about talk radio and the legislators problem with it is its freedom granting potential. Except for activities occurring online, talk radio is about the last rational way to get any point across to a large audience. No one will come listen to some wacko on a soapbox, and look how foolish some protesters look.

Think incentives. In order to do this effectively, you will have to shed all conception of morals. So, take a deep breath, and think like a legislator. Wouldn't you like to be the channel which filters the information. Wouldn't you wish that they would call your office instead of disagreeing with you over public airwaves. Of course you do; how else could you downplay the dissent.

Live Free or Die.

Also, bravo to the French. Nikolas Sarkozy is the man. DOWN WITH SOCIALISM!

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