Saturday, June 16, 2007


How ridiculously incompetent are the elected leaders of the country? For what reason are they able to do things that when looked at from afar are not only principally unjust in theory, but also against our Constitution?

Let's begin with the incompetence diplayed in recent weeks:

-Harry Reid's uncalled for speeches that "the war is lost" and "the surge has failed" are absolutely insane from a strategic standpoint. But he is not dumb, so what's up? HE WANTS AMERICA TO LOSE THE WAR IN IRAQ!!! With the amount of time and effort the Democrats have invested in talkin' shit about the army, the country, and our troops, Reid knows that it's imperative that we are unsuccesful if he wants his party to have success next election.

-You have to give it to Congress in general this week for being retarded*. Obviously, something needs to be done about immigration; this is clearly not the way. You'll hear from many that walls are bad in general or that they don't work. I disagree. Look at the very effective wall in Isreal for a modern day one, but if my memory serves correct the Chinese used one to great effect for centuries. Next, let hard workers and those willing to assimilate in, but give them limited political rights and the right to work. Citizenship-wise, get in line like everyone else. Our southern border is not the VIP entrance, but our border guards should be bouncers.


-How can these fools on the hill spend so much money? Over 3,000,000,000,000 dollars a year. FUCK ME!

3,000,000,000,000 / 300,000,000 = 10,000 per person per year.


Gotta fork it over though, or they'll destroy your life absolutely legally. To paraphrase Neal Boortz - The federal government is the only entity in the courty that is allowed to put a gun to your head and tell you you owe them anything.

But they wear a suit instead of a hoodie, so it's not armed robbery.

Do I smell shit in DC? Yes, I do.

Enjoy, Marc.

*On my use of retarded, Political Correctness is NewSpeak!

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