Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Global Cooling? Global Warming? Mother Nature? The Sun? The Big Bad Wolf?

It appears that the Earth may be in fact entering a relatively cold period shortly, a recent study shows. The article describes an experiment that seems in most ways unbiased, but I am still unconvinced on this issue. The media is about at saturation with the warming side of the argument, but occasionally you will see an hour long expose on the possibility of it being a ruse.

Aside from what may or may not happening on our planet, how hysteric has the argument over it become. Every issue gets adopted by the two party system and immediately there are exactly two sides to an issue. If you talk to a Democrat and even dare to question any part of the 'climate change' theory (1.It is getting hotter quick 2. It's because of CO2 3. It will be devastating 4. We are the predominant cause 5. We can change the climate back), you're looked at as though you have horns.

If you talk to a Republican, saying that you think that global warming is a possibility gets the same reaction as comparing Ronald Reagan to Joseph Stalin. It's insane. Can't people sit down and discuss the many different complicated facets of each argument.

Scientists can't even agree...yes, that is true. I know that there is a 'consensus' on the issue, but I'd have to disagree. Every day I read articles from prominent scientists, pundits, and journalists coming from both sides. There are new studies, hypotheses, debates, etc.. Were there a consensus, it wouldn't matter anyway, because unless science has changed since I was in third grade, theories are not facts. The Law of Conservation of Matter turned out to be simply a false theory when the atom was split.

They have no clue what the hell is going on. Did your weatherman know what was going to happen today? It's always a percent chance of rain, highs and lows, and now they want to tell me what's going to happen in 40 years? Hmmmm... I'll take my chances.

For Now.

Try to save energy, don't waste, but don't spend your money to buy the latest enviro-gadget. Global Warming is marketed more than Valentine's Day at Hallmark, and because of the economic interests involved, I can't believe anyone.

Call me a cynic, but I believe that while the globe may be warming, and while we may be causing it, as long as thousands of researchers are getting jobs and a whole lot of research money from interest groups I can't be a zealot either way. Believe me, I'd like to be, but wasting energy and not attempting to reduce emissions saves money, and coming up with apocalyptic results to research increases grants.

Incentives. Incentives. Incentives. They run the world, not human compassion.
Live Free or Die,

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